full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Ofer Levy: The new science of personalized vaccines

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So on our team, we've developed ways to test vaccines outside the body — in liatn, that's "in vitro" — in a tissue culture dish. So we use tssuie enirgeening with blood clels to immunize outside the body and study the effect of the vaccine against, for example, ifnntas or elderly individuals or others. And if you think about it, this is critical, because if you look at all the infections we want to build vaccines against, like Zika virus and Ebola virus and HIV and others, all the candidate antigens, all the candidate adjuvants, all the different populations, it's going to be impossible to do lgrae, phase III ccilnial trials for every combination. This is where we think being able to test vniceacs outside the body can make a big difference to accelerate vaccine development.

Open Cloze

So on our team, we've developed ways to test vaccines outside the body — in _____, that's "in vitro" — in a tissue culture dish. So we use ______ ___________ with blood _____ to immunize outside the body and study the effect of the vaccine against, for example, _______ or elderly individuals or others. And if you think about it, this is critical, because if you look at all the infections we want to build vaccines against, like Zika virus and Ebola virus and HIV and others, all the candidate antigens, all the candidate adjuvants, all the different populations, it's going to be impossible to do _____, phase III ________ trials for every combination. This is where we think being able to test ________ outside the body can make a big difference to accelerate vaccine development.


  1. infants
  2. engineering
  3. cells
  4. latin
  5. vaccines
  6. clinical
  7. large
  8. tissue

Original Text

So on our team, we've developed ways to test vaccines outside the body — in Latin, that's "in vitro" — in a tissue culture dish. So we use tissue engineering with blood cells to immunize outside the body and study the effect of the vaccine against, for example, infants or elderly individuals or others. And if you think about it, this is critical, because if you look at all the infections we want to build vaccines against, like Zika virus and Ebola virus and HIV and others, all the candidate antigens, all the candidate adjuvants, all the different populations, it's going to be impossible to do large, phase III clinical trials for every combination. This is where we think being able to test vaccines outside the body can make a big difference to accelerate vaccine development.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
precision vaccines 4
immune response 3
vaccine development 3
maintain protection 2
united states 2
elderly individuals 2
blood cells 2
precision medicine 2
vulnerable populations 2
test vaccines 2
vaccines protect 2
vaccine protects 2
whooping cough 2

Important Words

  1. accelerate
  2. adjuvants
  3. antigens
  4. big
  5. blood
  6. body
  7. build
  8. candidate
  9. cells
  10. clinical
  11. combination
  12. critical
  13. culture
  14. developed
  15. development
  16. difference
  17. dish
  18. ebola
  19. effect
  20. elderly
  21. engineering
  22. hiv
  23. iii
  24. immunize
  25. impossible
  26. individuals
  27. infants
  28. infections
  29. large
  30. latin
  31. phase
  32. populations
  33. study
  34. team
  35. test
  36. tissue
  37. trials
  38. vaccine
  39. vaccines
  40. virus
  41. ways
  42. zika